Feeling Lost in the Chaos?

Discover Your True Self Through Shadow Work & Emotional Intelligence.

You feel stuck, burnt out, distracted, disconnected & overwhelmed by your current life. Your past haunts you, & your true self feels out of reach.

Let’s face it, there is no border between positive & negative mental states. When it comes to mental health we are all somewhere along the spectrum.

The beautiful realization here is the remedy to recognizing our freedom comes from within. It is available for YOU to learn right now.

The world of men is healing.

Check out this 7min video to see if this is right for you➢

What’s needed isn’t an answer, but to fully know the question.

Working with Me

You will uncover the hidden layers of your psyche, unlock emotional intelligence, & embrace your shadow to emerge as a more whole, peaceful, & authentic version of yourself.

Mindfulness Practices & Assignments
Fasting from Unhealthy Impulses
Masculine Archetypes
Full Microdosing Protocol
Shadow & Dream Work
Emotional Intelligence & Intimacy
Understanding Spiritual Bypassing
Self Mastery & Integration Onto Your Path
Break Through Dose Ceremony *optional

I’ve cultivated this program to carefully curate an understanding of your impulses, create structure, dive into how your mind works, allow you to explore your shadow & emotions with support to integrate this into your daily life.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

-Carl G Jung

A Little About Myself

Disconnected from my mind, body & soul I ventured into my 20's a broken & depressed man. Hiding this even from myself.

Constantly seeking externally for any form of purpose from material substance. I worked for over a decade in the oilfield in Canada’s frozen north, until I experienced an accidental ego dissolution.

Flooded with newfound meaning, I started to unravel what it means to exist. My style is ever evolving, based off 8 years of healing through deep medicine dives, mindfulness practices, studying vajrayana Buddhism, dream, shadow & emotional work into the unconscious mind, into anger, relationships, depression, anxiety & abandonment wounds.

I’m certified as a coach, certified in psychedelic integration. Currently expanding into a psychospiritual practitioner, continuously discovering the depths of myself & experiencing this beautiful life & the freedom it offers.

Some Testimonials

Ascend Your Inner Terrain Of Shadow & Emotion. Reach the Peak of Intimate Awakening.

-Mind of Mountain